Thirty digital b/w prints handpainted with acrylics on Canson Infinity BFK paper
The darkroom that I built in my bathroom as a young explorer of the image in the early 1960s revealed to me, among many other things, the possibility of manipulating the photographic image.
The photo was the result of a specific unrepeatable moment and of a unique position in space which also allowed for the possibility of re-viewing it in the developing and printing phase, thus completing the process in an artistic and strictly creative fashion.
Rethinking and revisiting those years brought me to examine my photographic work of the last 40 years. I soon realized that some pictures were relevant and interesting from a documentary point of view as well as from a purely aesthetic and photographic one.
Choosing from thousands of slides and digital pictures, I progressively made a selection of images that I often have shown in lectures while presenting the history of Filo and its countless adventures. A final selection was made and then printed in black and white on Canson Infinity BFK 310g paper. The presence of the Filo was then painted onto the photo with the same acrylic paint used for making the Filo itself, thus repeating and renewing the rituality of making Filo that is at the very deep core of my artistic endeavor.