1978 BFA in Painting, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.MA. U.S.A
1981 MFA in Sculpture, University of Massachusetts, Amerst, MA. U.S.A.
Selected one person shows and special projects-Artist in Presence (in bold)
1977 A Bridging Statement, Student Union Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.(USA)
1978 Escrescenze, Villa Romana, Florence
1979 Liceo S.Giuseppe e Galleria Comunale d’Arte, Cagliari – installation and Artist in presence
1981 Come, Herter Gallery, MFA show, University of Massachussets, Amherst MA. (USA)
1981 Piazza Filo Di(f)fuso, Carpi, Modena, Italy: Artist in presence, installation, performance.
1981 Incocoon, performance, Brookline High School, Brookline, MA. U.S.A. Artist in presence
1982 Bits of Continuity: Broad Brush Strokes, installation, Computer Science Department, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Artist in presence
1983 King of Arms King of Arts, Madison Art Center, Madison, Wisc. U.S.A Artist in Presence (catalogue)
1983 Fil-oso-fò-fil, Centro Informagiovani – Assessorato alla GioventĂš, Artist in Presence, Turin (catalogue – text by Ida Panicelli)
1983 KRIPTONIANA with F.Levini, G.Melotti, curated by Ida Panicelli, SKC Gallery, Beograd (catalogue texts by Ida Panicelli and Bojana Pejic)
1983 UFO–Unidentified Formal Organization, Galleria Alchymia, Florence
1983 Alia Alieni ed Altro, curated by Ida Panicelli, Galleria Alzaia, Rome
1983 SEGNALI, with A.Lombardi e M.Vismara curated by D.Nardone Galleria Lascala, Rome (catalogue)
1984 Altri Veicoli, Casa del Mantegna/Teatro del Bibiena, performance, Mantua. Istituto d’Arte Guidizzolo-Scuola Media Sacchi, Artist in presence
1985 GIARDINO CINESE, with F.Palaia e K.Yin Snyder, curated by Ida Panicelli, Sala Uno, Rome
1986 Bazaar, Galleria Mascarella, Bologna
1986 Lorenzo Pezzatini, Galleria Einaudi – Mantova – (catalogue-texts by Ida Panicelli, John Welchman, Ivano Ferrari, Francesco Bartoli)
1986 Canalefilo, Scuola d’Infanzia Albertario e Berengario, Carpi, Italy: Artist in presence and performance (catalogue)
1987 Spilli e Spille, Galleria Studio E, Rome (catalogue-text by Silvana Sinisi))
1987 Friendlymarmo, Galleria Studio B2, Genoa
1987 Orologos, Galleria Teodora, Naples
1988 TEXTILIA, Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza (catalogue)
1988 So Special, so rare, so wonderful.âŚ, S.K.C. Gallery, Beograd, Yugoslavia.(catalogue-texts by Bojana Pejic, Maria Nadotti, Judd Tully)
1988 GIOIELLA, with L.Baldi, A.Mizzau, G.Melotti Galleria Eventyr, Florence
1989 Small Works, Galleria Trabia McAfee, New York, NY, (USA)
1989 Va Pensiero, R.A.I. Radio Televisione Italiana, Terzo Programma: Artist in presence, Rome.
1990 Cruciverba Mundivolant, Sergio Tossi Arte Contemporanea, Florence
1993 AutoFiloritratto, performance,Gardens of Venice Biennale
1993 CINQUE VOLTE MONOLOGO with F.Gerbino, A.Lo Pinto, J.Mulharney, F.Rosenstock Villa Romana, Florence (catalogue – text by Paola Bortolotti)
1994 CONVIVENZE, with A.Lo Pinto, M.Morganti, A.Sholtes, Galleria Faustini, Florence (catalogue)
1995 Filoguardia, performance, Gardens of Venice Biennale
1995 Filoguardia, performance, Fabbrica Europa, Stazione Leopolda, Florence.
1995 Piccole Opere, Galleria Minimum, Florence. (catalogue – texts by Roberto Barni e Silvana Sinisi)
1997 Filofiat, performance Gardens of Venice Biennale
1997 Filofragola, performance, celebration of 100 years of Kusthinstorishe Institut Florenz – Villa Romana, Florence
1998 Filo eventi, Filo e vĂŠnti, Filo e venti, Centro per lâArte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci and Comune di Prato. (catalogue-texts by Bruno CorĂ , Matteo Chini. Silvia Lucchesi)
1998 Stanze, La Barbagianna, Pontassieve, Florence
1999 Ex Libris in Libris Libreria Sopratuttolibri, Prato (edition of 30 books signed and numbered)
2000 Il ciclista Illuminato, performance, BIG Torino 2000, Lingotto, Torino (catalogue – text by Giandomenico Semeraro – poetry by Roberto Piumini)
2000 Il Ciclista Illuminato, one week performance, Galleria La Corte, Florence (catalogue-text by Giandomenico Semeraro – poetry by Roberto Piumini)
2000 Labirinto dâamore – FERMENTAZIONI curated by Giandomenico Semeraro, Villa Torrigiani, Camigliano, Lucca (catalogue-text by Giandomenico Semeraro)
2001 IMMAGINAZIONE AUREA curated by Enrico Crispolti, Mole Antonelliana, Ancona. (catalogue)
2001 ECOFFICINA, Ex-Ferriere Fiat, Turin (videocatalogue)
2002 ON/ OFF/OF, performance Tracce Fuori Centro curated by Patrizia Landi – Villa Vogel, Florence (catalogue-text by Patrizia Landi)
2003 TESSERE IN RETE curated by Luciano Caramel, San Francesco, Como Artist in Presence (catalogue)
2003 Il Ciclista Illuminato a Corte, Y.P.O. Artist in presence performances in five city locations and final performance Palazzo Corsini and Palazzo Pitti, Florence (catalogue-texts by Mary Beckinsale, Kevin Murphy, Alessandro Belli, Roberto Piumini, Davide Sparti)
2004 TERRA INCOGNITA, curated by di McNamara, Hampshire College Gallery, Amherst, Ma. U.S.A.
2005 Forse Immagini lâOggetto curated by A. Borsetti Venier, Artist in presence, Pontedera, Pisa (catalogue-texts-by Bruno CorĂ , Matteo Chini,Joachim Burmeister, Manlio Cancogni, mary Beckinsale, Lorenzo Pezzatini,Stefano Pezzato, Anna Ferretti, Giandomenico Semeraro) .Video Forse Immagini L’Oggeto, by Duccio Brunetti.
2006 ARTE MOBILE, curated by A. Borsetti Venier, Kulturbanhof, Kassel, Germania, Artist in presence Kunst-Arte, Merano, Bolzano and Kube Museum, Bregenz, Austria (catalogue)
2006 Lorenzo Pezzatini-Opere- installazioni-performances-Artist in Presence 1977-2006, (catalogue-texts by Enrico Crispolti, Manlio Cancogni, Ida Panicelli, Bruno CorĂ , Maria Nadotti, Lorenzo Pezzatini, Francesca Rigotti, Joachim Burmeister, Stefano Pezzato, Roberto Piumini, Giandomenico Semeraro, Alessandra Borsetti Venier) Villa Pacchiani, S.Croce sullâArno, Pisa. (catalogue)
2007 ARTE MOBILE, curated by A. Borsetti Venier, Sala dâArme, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence (catalogue-text by Giandomenico Semeraro)
2007 Tremondi, in collaboration with Giovanni Pezzatini, SACI Gallery, Florence.
2009 The Illuminated Artist at Hiram College, Gelbke Fine Art Center, Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio, (USA) – Artist i presence
2009 LUNA E L’ALTRO, Palazzo Panciatichi Florence e Palazzo Pretorio, Certaldo. Curated by Alessandra Borsetti Veniser and Sandra Landi. (catalogue)
2010 AN OTHER GAZE, curator Dejan Atanakovic and Zoran Eric, Kalamegdan Fortress, Beograd, Serbia.
2012 THE FLOOR SHOW, curated by Lucia Giardino, F-AIR Gallery, Florence (catalogue-text by Lucia Giardino and Abbey Cunninga)
2012 CACCIUCCO (ten years later) – J. Maidoff Gallery – Florence
2012 Il Filo degli Altri, curator Lorenzo Pezzatini, J.Maidoff Gallery, Florence
2014 VENI VIDI FILO – Cosmatesca site specific installation and three permanent Filoplastermarks, Fondazione SENSUS, Florence
2015 Bari S ‘Art Festival – BalloFilotondo – installation – Centro Culturale, Barisardo, Nuoro (catalogue)
2018 Avventure della Differenza, SACI Gallery, Florence
2018 Il Filo degli Altri, curator Lorenzo Pezzatini, SACI Gallery, Florence
2018 FotoFilografia, Oratorio S.Carlo, Castelfiorentino, Florence (catalogue-text by Jiwen Xiao). Book edition of 10. Artist in presence
2019 Il Filo e il Mondo, Le Murate Art Lab for MURATE PAC – Firenze – Artist in presence
2019 Woven Tears, Site specific installation, Semiottagono-Panopticum, MURATE PAC-Florence (video) – Piazzetta del Caffè Letterario – Artist in presence
2020 Pietre Primarie – site specific installation, Cappella dello Spirito Santo Monastero di Camaldoli, Camaldoli, Arezzo
2023 WAILS – Group show at ZAP – Florence
2024 STREET ART IN TOSCANA Dagli albori ad oggi – Group show Fornace Pasquinucci – Capraia Limite – Florence
2024 LE CURE DI FILO – Wall Paintings commissioned by Comune di Firenze – Mercato di Piazza delle Cure – Florence
2019 HorizontalWoven-VerticalTears,
2005 Forse Immagini LâOggetto, DVD, 25â
2003 Il Cilista Illuminato a Corte, Color 1/2, 25â
2001 Il Cilista Cotto. Color 1/2, 5â
2000 Losing the Tread by Jonathan Nossiter. Color, Beta, 60â, Silvy Production, Florence. This film, produced by Silvia Lucchesi, was previously presented in competition at the Turin Film Festival (2000), Itâs All True Documentary Film Festival of Sao Paulo (2001), Odissea nas Imagens of Porto (2001), and in the Shorts Program of the International Film Festival in Rotterdam (2001). It has been broadcasted by RAISAT and Sundance Channels.
1997 Filofragola, Color 1/2â, 21′, Aldo Galli Video, Florence.
1991 Orologos, Color 1/2â, 10′, People Video, Florence
1986 Lorenzo Pezzatini alle Terrazze di Numana, Color 3/4â, 22′. Audiovisivi Halley, Ancona.
1983 Fil-oso-fo’-fil, Color 3/4â, 21′. Videouno, Torino and Assessorato alla Gioventu’ del Comune di Torino, Torino, Italy.