Since 1979 he realized about 20 Artist in Presence projects. They usually extend for a long period of time during which the artist is present with his siringe and colors creating the Filo that represents the generative cell of all his artistic production and his life companion.
The Filo becomes alive and real with the help of public interweaving webs of relations, occuping new creative spaces and “mending” the stretch marks of our lives
The public participates to its various interpretations proposing new possibilities that the artist and his “alter ego” will eventually take in consideration. Believing together in the power of art and in its positive potentials renovates its secular miracle and gives a symbolic value to the memory of Filo.
“Nel Frattempo” – Text/interview by Ida Panicelli from the catalogue of the show/Artist in Presence FIL-OSO-FO’-FIL – Turin 1983 –
The Filo never was bought and sold. I always donated it, disperse it and symbolically exchanged it. The Filo is not a thing that one can sell, if any one can tie it to a site or a memory, or disperse it secretly, or to be depicted, to be quoted on other objects, to be melt, sculpted, photographed, embroidered, or used in a peformance….
Nel 1979 Lorenzo Pezzatini realizes his first Artist in Presence
Artist in Presence – Liceo Artistico S.Giuseppe – Cagliari